City Slab

Received a 71-day rejection from City Slab in my email in-basket this morning.

I’m extra bummed ’cause I’d heard that anything this market kept for longer than 30 days was under serious consideration, so I had my hopes up.

Also, this piece is going to be hard to place now. It’s extremely graphic and edgy. I hoped it would be a good fit with these folks.

And a niggling “WTF?” I sent them a SASE with my submission packet and they sent me an email reply? If they’d said in their guidelines that they responded via email I could’ve saved myself the stamp. Grumble.

But, on an up note, it was a nice rejection slip. They said I had an “engaging style” and invited me to send them something else.

Still, pook. A lot.

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10 Responses to City Slab

  1. reudaly says:

    Sorry about that. Join me in my Corrosion hell… Though I’ve seen quite a bit on RALAN for markets that take edgy, graphic stuff. Maybe you can find something there?

  2. mouseferatu says:


    I’ve done that too. I had a novel that was in “serious consideration” at a relatively new publisher. They had it for months, they’d expressed interest… And then, when my agent very politely asked them for an update (we hadn’t heard anything in quite some time), we got a very terse “Thanks but no thanks” letter.

    I know it’s rough, especially with a story that’s as “graphic and edgy” as you say this one is. But if they liked the story’s style, and if they liked it enough to consider it for that long, I really don’t think you’ll have too much trouble selling it elsewhere. 🙂

  3. leadensky says:

    Awww. Bummer.

    Good luck else where.

    – hossgal

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