Mobicon Part I

I’m at Mobicon! There’s free wifi throughout the hotel. Much happiness.

The drive was pretty easy, thanks in large part to Escape Pod and Pseudopod. Their podcast storytelling goodness is the the best for long car trips.

The convention folks are absolute darlings. I feel feted and catered to. They gave me spiced rum punch. Hooked up with jackzodiac, got my guest schedule (woo, they’re really working me; in addition to my panels, I’m also slated to be a judge at the costume contest, do the Vanna White thing to jackzodiac‘s Pat Sajak for the charity auction, and, erm, the slave auction–not sure at this point if I’m supposed to help conduct it or offer up my person for bidding . . . um), and went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill with the convention organizers and some guests. And, I’ve already got into a disagreement with Sharon Green on the merits of keeping track of daily word counts in the writing process. Hee!

Busy day ahead of me. Must pour vast quantities of caffeine into my system. Charge!


Writing Stuff

I’m bummed that Bash Down the Door and Slice Open the Badguy didn’t make it in time for me to pimp at the convention. I have a guest table and everything to hawk stuff from. Pook.

– Email from Strange Horizons with edits to approve and a question change query for the interview lynnejamneck conducted with me. I got it while I was a bit tipsy last night so decided to hold off on looking over their questions until my brain was clearer. But they assure me that the interview will go up soon. Yippee skippy!

New Words:
– 500 on the Fox Princess novel. I’m not expecting to get much (any) writing done while I’m at Mobicon.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
9,689 / 40,000

Club 100 for Writers: 7

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4 Responses to Mobicon Part I

  1. keesa_renee says:

    Squeee! Sounds like your having an absolutely fabulous time. I’m excited for you!

  2. klandaghicat says:

    *Sigh* I keep saying I’m going back, one of these years. I have friends and family down there. (I’m sorta from Mobile) I hope you have fun, and can get past the humidity.

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