Mobicon part II

Mobicon rawked! I see now why jackzodiac always raves about it. These folks put on a first rate event. I’m low on sleep, and the neurons are verily sluggish, so this will be a cursory convention-in-review. Apologies to all the wonderful folks I will undoubtedly forget to mention.

I was a judge for the costume contest with the lovely, talented, and charming Chase Masterson; her sweetie and director, James Kerwin; and, of course, jackzodiac.

After the contest, before the winners were announced, they had a “7-Minute Costume Contest” whereupon contestants get a bag with a length of material, a roll of duct tape, aluminum foil, and scissors and have to create a costume in seven minutes. They asked if Chase, Davey, and I would like to join the fray. Who in their right mind would refuse the prospect of such silliness? So we had seven minutes to do Davey up as a “Klingon Robin Hood.”

Chase (who is, of course, the Klingon expert) decided that he needed breasts. . . and lipstick. Isn’t Davey pretty?

I was a wee bit trepidatious about the Slave Auction, although I was assured that my participation was optional. The auctioneer, Joe-Bob (Joe-Bill?), was a riot–bawdy and lighthearted–perfect for the event. And he knew how to show off his wares to their best effect. There was topless dancing . . . from the men, including a pair of marines (a matched set!), who demonstrated their physical fitness to the cheering crowd by dropping and doing 20 push-ups, and an enthusiastic young man who exhibited his lap dancing prowess with a lovely volunteer–all to benefit the Bay Area Food Bank. Chase and James also stepped up to the auction block and, after some heated bidding, went for a jaw-dropping $600. And, when Wayne asked me pretty-please to offer myself up for bidding, how could I refuse? A big “thank you!” to Bill, the very generous “master” who “purchased” me for $400(!).

After the auction was the Boobie Brigade’s Dead Debutante Ball. Dancing, drinking, and making merry in the name of charity! Got to chat and catch up a bit with yakdog (of Fantasm/Frolicon) and other convention peeps. I was formally inaugurated into the illustrious Boobie Brigade ranks by the end of the dance.

We did some wandering to room parties afterward, but my feet were hurting so much, the one with the couch seemed the most alluring. Crashed back in our room at around 3AM and set two alarms as fosteronfilm and I both had 10AM panels on Sunday. Oog. But I felt surprisingly well rested by the next morning. Not so much today, though . . .

Major snaps and kudos to Cathy Chandler, the Entertainment Chairperson of Mobicon, for her prowess in herding cats and for making sure all our needs were catered to; Don Schermerhorn and Wayne Hergenroder, for being darlings and inviting us to play at their convention, and the rest of the Directors, Governors, and staff of Mobicon for working so hard to make sure folks had a great time.

More pix:

The “Meet the Guests” panel on Friday. Top row from left to right: Author Chris Jackson, Artist Bryan King, Me, Davey, & Actor/Puppeteer Jeffrey Breslauer. Bottom row: Director James Kerwin, Actress/Singer Chase Masterson, Artist Steve Scott, Artist Steve Bennett, Aj Brockway, Author/Artist Debbora Wiles, & Author Sharon Green.

My partner in crime, Davey Beauchamp.


Writing Stuff

I was delighted that the Mobicon folks gave me and jackzodiac side-by-side tables in the Merchant’s Room (right next to Chase and James, too!). Davey’s got mad skillz when it comes to chatting up passersby, while I’m quite shy until I get a chance to meet someone. We made a great team; between us, we sold many books and had gobs of fun doing it. I’m now out of all of my extra copies of anthologies and down to my last couple chapbooks. Wish I’d ordered more and sundry extra copies of the various anthologies I’m in, but I’ve never had a table at a convention before, and I’m not really good at selling things, so I didn’t think of it. I’ll know better next time.

– 86-day pass from IGMS, offset by the contract and check from IGMS for “Beauty’s Folly.”
– Note from mroctober that Magic in the Mirrorstone: Tales of Fantasy is now available for pre-order from Amazon:

In this anthology for teen readers, fifteen best-selling and acclaimed authors–including Holly Black, Cecil Castellucci, Cassandra Clare, Eugie Foster, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, and Gregory Frost–weave all-new stories filled with magic. Comic and dark, epic and entertaining, these stories will introduce readers to the new voices of Mirrorstone beside the treasured favorites of Young Adult fantasy.

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19 Responses to Mobicon part II

  1. Now, THAT looks like a fun time! 😀

  2. nmsunbear says:

    You have WAY too much fun dressing. I love that outfit!

  3. jackzodiac says:

    Eugie you rocked so hard. It was not only a pleasure but an honor to sit at the table with you. And would do so again at a drop of a hat. And I love the rose. Oh the rose that made so many boys happy at the con this year. Dragon is so far away to see you and matt again. I here at work, we finally have the wireless and I am at lunch. and I am babling. But can’t wait to see you again.


  4. It’s great to just hang at a con, isn’t it? I’m glad you had the chance to enjoy yourself, and to sell so many books! 🙂

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thanks, sweetie! Yah, I think I’d forgotten how much fun it is just to relax and let other people keep things ticking. It’s nice not having to worry about convention drama.

  5. adhaincroi says:

    Glad you had fun at Mobicon

    It was a pleasure to see you having fun at Mobicon..It’s a great Con for guests as no-one mobs you and everyone is friendly..It’s my favourite as you can get a little more personable, fun and drunk with the guests and then you really feel connected with your author or entertainer next time you read or see them…and you didn’t look shy at the slave auction…my husband and delphinea’s were very impressed deliphinea’s wondered what your belly button looked like and mine (who’s generally shy)was yelling for you to do a cartwheel…LOL…Cons bring out the Bad boy in them both…anyway fun to see you and funner to see you having fun..Thanks Leanne

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Glad you had fun at Mobicon

      Mobicon was absolutely da bomb! I’m so glad I was finally able to experience it.

      and you didn’t look shy at the slave auction

      Hee! Thank you! Actually, I’m typically not shy about being on a stage or in front of an audience as long as I don’t have to talk. I started dancing (ballet) when I was three, and I was performing on a stage before I was old enough to grasp the concept of stage fright. But as soon as speaking becomes involved–to strangers, in public, on panels–all bets are off and I’m inclined to hyperventilate and go deer-in-headlights.

      deliphinea’s wondered what your belly button looked like

      What my belly button looks like? Um . . . I suppose a bit like this: *

      and mine (who’s generally shy)was yelling for you to do a cartwheel

      Alas, my cartwheel days are past. I believe their demise came shortly after the end of my dancing days. And even when I was still spry enough to do cartwheels with impunity, I never would have attempted one in 4-inch platform heels and a corset!

      • adhaincroi says:

        Re: Glad you had fun at Mobicon

        With Reference to “I’m inclined hyperventilate and go deer-in-headlights”
        If its any consolation for the first 5 years of my 15 year pro entertainers career I threw up in the wings every night I performed… more so if it was an acting or dancing gig..than with the cabaret and singing but still they kept a bucket in the wings for me LOL… the last 10 years I just felt as though I was going to throw up..and lovely elder entertainers would give me little gems of showbiz wisdom..such as “just imagine them without their clothes on”..which to be honest with my vivid imagination just made me want to laugh hysterically as well as throw up..I found it a lot easier to think about why people enjoy seeing others on stage or on panels in this case..its usually because they admire your talent and they are there to see YOU.. so generally they are already pretty convinced that you are wonderful and they want to see the real you..the real you without the words looked to me like a fun gal to be around..focus on the fun gal..Also if you are really serious about feeling more confident for yourself at these shindigs you could try to speak with a voice tutor who tutors public speaking its usually skewed toward business pros but many of the exercises could benefit you…and lets face it if you studied ballet form age three you know all about exercises…as for cartwheels in 4-inch heels and a corset..bring on the Can Can.. just don’t forget your knickers Ah! but that’s another story..L

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