Pain vs Productivity

Took another tramadol last night and my wingstubs feel better, but I think I have to stop taking them. While I’m not suffering from free-floating irritability this morning, I feel like my brain’s encased in a layer of mush. Adderall and caffeine are barely penetrating it. I simply cannot function like this, and I certainly can’t write.



Writing Stuff

– Edits for “Year of the Fox” from mroctober for So Fey.
– Contrib. copy, at last, of GrendelSong #2. Yay! Most distressingly, the USPS seems to have eaten the first copy that Paul sent, but he was gracious enough to send off another. It’s puuuuurty.
– An email from Ellen Datlow inviting me to submit to the next anthology she and Terri Windling are editing in their “mythic fiction” YA series. Omigod omigod omigod! I had to restrain myself from gushing like a rabid fangirl all over my reply. I’ve got all the anthologies in their Snow White, Blood Red series, and it’s been one of my life’s writerly ambition to have a story published in one of their folklore/fairytale anthologies. *SQUEEEE!*

Now, of course, I have to come up with something worthy of the anthology. Gleep.

New Words/Editing:
– 200 on the Fox Princess novel.

Put down a good character development moment via channeling my grumpy from yesterday, but I’m still stymied on the scene. However, I do think a solution is brewing in my back brain. I’m coming up with bits and pieces of ideas that haven’t yet jelled into something usable, but it’ll all turn out well. How? It’s a mystery.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
15,105 / 40,000

Club 100 for Writers: 9

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14 Responses to Pain vs Productivity

  1. aimeempayne says:

    Congratulations on the Datlow/Windling invite! Very shiny!

  2. ogre_san says:

    Congrats and good luck on the invite.

  3. mroctober says:

    ::chuckles:: Didn’t you mention that I was a real writer because of the Datlow/Windling books? I knew it was only a matter of time before you received the invite.

    Was it for Beastly Brides?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      *squee!* But, of course, an invitation to submit isn’t the same as a sale. Now I have to come up with a good story. Eee!

      Was it for Beastly Brides?


  4. n_decisive says:

    Boo for groggy!

    Glad it helped the wingstubs. Medication hangovers suck, tho’. Welcome to my life. 😉

  5. Ooo, congrats and good luck.
    I haven’t heard anything from the Datlow/Windling team supreme since I failed to make it into Coyote Road. Like you (and so many others), I definitely consider them a standard of awesomeness. :>

  6. ghostgrrl says:

    I’ve been meaning to ask you this for years, but never got around to it.

    What are wingstubs? I even did a google search on the term and your journal came up in 3 of the 1st five results. I guess that makes you the authority.


    • Eugie Foster says:

      Wingstubs is my shorthand (short wing?) for my Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. There’s an extra set of ribs in my neck which rubs against the nerve when I overuse my arms (typing & mousing) sending sharp pains and tingling shooting up and down my arms. It’s a repetitive motion thing.

      When we first saw the x-rays in my neurologist’s office, Matthew and I had a discussion regarding whether I was sprouting wings or Cthulu-tentacles. The jury’s still out, but “wingstubs” are easier to say than “tentacle-stubs.”

  7. basletum says:

    Congratulations on the invite!

    As for me, sigh, I can finally get back to writing a few short stories again now that the first draft of that blasted short-story-collection-demanded-to-be-a-novel is finished. Remind me to not come up with anymore bright ideas.

  8. kafkonia says:

    Very cool re: Datlow/Windling. Keep us posted!

  9. An email from Ellen Datlow inviting me to submit to the next anthology she and Terri Windling are editing in their “mythic fiction” YA series.


  10. safirasilv says:

    Datlow and Windling? Whoo-whoo! Keep us posted. Sometimes just getting the invitation to submit is enough to make you do the writing happy dance.

    Have you ever found an effective pain medication that lets you function halfway normally? I know I haven’t, other than a weird herbal compound that works on mild pain. Tramadol seemed promising…but then I broke out in hives and started wheezing and it was back to vicodin and losing consciousness abruptly when the Improperly Constructed Back goes crazy.

  11. dream_wind says:

    Good for you on the Datlow/Windling anthology! You so utterly deserve it!

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