Comcast ire. Day 1 on Effexor.

After a fairly stable period of Internet connectivity, we lost our cable connection for the whole morning. My ire is great at Comcast. Or it could be the Effexor, which I just started taking, although that’s relatively unlikely since it ought to have a build-up effect.

Big ire. ‘Nuff said.


Writing Stuff

Tangent work is again being backburnered so I can make words. I suddenly find myself with not enough time in the day to do everything I need to. For a while there it seemed like I had tons of it to the point of excess. There’s no such thing as a happy medium, is there?

New words: 600ish on “Rue and Ruin” as well as a full editing pass to get me back into the flow of it. I think I need to revise my initial word estimate on this one.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
6,480 / 9,000

I’m noticing a trend. I seem to be writing longer recently. This would be dandy except I’ve got several short story projects in a row lined up. Argh. Novel later! Short stories now! Stupid willful muse. Now she wants to do a novel. Grumf.

Club 100 For Writers


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10 Responses to Comcast ire. Day 1 on Effexor.

  1. wistling says:

    My muse wants a 17,000 word novelette and a novel expanded out of the same story. I’m almost 12,000 words in so far.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Muses can be such bitches! The current WIP has to fall under a certain word count to fit the guidelines of the market I’m writing it for, otherwise I’d let her grab the bit and run with it.

      • yukinooruoni says:

        Why not let her run? You could always pare it down for the market, but you’d have the basis for something larger. And a satisfied muse!

        • Eugie Foster says:

          Well, I tried that with my previous effort, and I ended up with an 11K story when I was done, after significant editorial chopping, when the editor expressly requested no more than 8K. I’m hoping that editor has the flexibility and inclination to still use it, assuming he likes it (and I’m really hoping he doesn’t want to murder me to boot), but I can’t hope for that sort of lenience with this current one.

          So I think I need to exercise some scope restraint or I’m going to end up with a rambling work of utterly unsellable length.

  2. miafedup says:

    Ugh, I feel your pain. We have Cox out here. And the internet connection is very unstable, at best.

    Instead of getting overly irritated, now I try to embrace the time to do something different. I feel like I stare at the damn computer all day (wait, that’s because I do) so sometimes it is refreshing to remember what it was like pre-computer.

    Just a thought. 🙂

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Unfortunately, I need to be able to access the Internet as an integral component of my writing career. While I certainly do use the Internet as a recreation, it’s also an essential tool that enables me to communicate with my editors, publishers, writers groups, and reviewers, update the Tangent website, as well as submit and research my stories.

      Although I do admit that a few hours of downtime probably isn’t as cataclysmic as it feels. But I honestly don’t think I could function without a computer, and I’m at a loss to how I ever managed without one.

      As soon as they come up with a way to hook my brain directly to the Internet, I’m signing up!

      • cyber_pagan says:

        I feel your pain. After a couple decent weeks, comcrap has again started to die on us every day after 5, usually right when is in class (irc chat to UND!) I should not know the number to tech support off the top of my head. I don’t even have the numbers of my family members memorized….

  3. aimeempayne says:

    Hmmm. I’ve been writing shorter lately. Coincidence, or are you stealing my words, you blackguard, you!

  4. elvesforeyes says:

    I prefer to read longer work myself, but I understand it could be hard to go too far over the word limit for certain guidelines.

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