Biba Jibun at Pseudopod and Adventures in E-book Publishing Update

First and foremost, “Biba Jibun” is now up at Pseudopod for your free listening pleasure, read by the talented Kara Grace. Enjoy!

Next, laid out in quasi-scientific fashion, an update on my foray into releasing some of my previously published and out-of-print short fiction as e-books: Continue reading

Human for a Day anthology with Beneath the Silent Bell, the Autumn Sky Turns to Spring Now Out and Obligatory End of Year Awards Pimpage

The anthology Human for a Day, edited by Jennifer Brozek and Martin H. Greenberg (DAW Books), is now out with my story “Beneath the Silent Bell, the Autumn Sky Turns to Spring”! It’s available at bookstores and online booksellers such as and in print and as an ebook.

Also, the Nebula Award nominations are now open, and the Hugos are coming up, so herein the obligatory shameless pimpage for the short stories I’ve had published this year for your consideration:

  • “Black Swan, White Swan” in anthology End of an Aeon, edited by Marti and Bridget McKenna (July, Fairwood Press), also produced as a podcast by PodCastle (listen to it for free!) and reprinted in my Mortal Clay, Stone Heart ebook collection.
  • “Biba Jibun” in Apex Magazine issue #23 in April (read it for free!)
  • “The Princess and the Golden Fish” in Cricket Magazine, serialized in the January through April issues.
  • “Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo” in Daily Science Fiction in September (read it for free!)
  • “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk” in podcast Drabblecast in August (listen to it for free!) for their Lovecraft Appreciation Month and reprinted as an ebook.

And a final plug in this plug-filled post, I’m running two deals for the month of December:

BOGO Deal: Buy Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest ebook, Get Wish of the Demon Achtromagk ebook Free

I’ve been bandying about the idea of self-publishing an ebook short story collection for a while but have been unmotivated to hash out the formatting and conversion details. Finally decided to get my act together and check out what all the cool kids have been talking about. Rolled up my sleeves and dug into all the how-to’s of converting a manuscript into the various ebook formats. Discovered it’s actually pretty straightforward if a bit persnickety.

So as an experiment and trial run, I’m publishing two ebooks, each for the low, low price of only $0.99, at Amazon (for the Kindle) and Smashwords (for the Nook, Sony reader, iPad, and other formats).

My Nebula Award-winning novelette, “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast”:

And my short story, “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk,” originally published as an audio podcast by Drabblecast for their Lovecraft tribute month:

And as a bonus, all this month of November, anyone who buys “Sinner” will also get an ebook of “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk” for free.

Just drop me an email with either your Amazon order number for “Sinner” or the very last line of text in the ebook (not the last line of the story but the last sentence of the back matter), and I’ll email you a coupon to download a complimentary copy of “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk” ebook from Smashwords in whatever format you like.

More information and cover art:
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The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk Now Up at Drabblecast Celebrating H.P. Lovecraft Tribute Month

Just got word from Norm Sherman, Editor/Producer of the Drabblecast podcast, that my story for their H.P. Lovecraft tribute month, “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk,” is now up! Checkout the fabulous artwork by David Flett: Continue reading

Short Story Sale to Drabblecast: The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk

Earlier this month, Norm Sherman of The Drabblecast podcast invited me to submit a story for their H.P. Lovecraft Tribute month. I adore both Norm and Drabblecast, as well as any excuse to play in H.P.’s eldritch sandbox, so of course I said, “count me in!”

Just got a note back from Norm, and I’m delighted to be able to announce that my story, “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk,” will be podcast as part of Drabblecast’s Lovecraft Tribute lineup in August.

Gotta give them elder gods their due, I always sez.