New Short Story Ebook: Biba Jibun

This week’s new ebook is “Biba Jibun.” Originally published in Apex Magazine, #23, April, 2011; produced as an audio podcast by Pseudopod in January of 2012; and reprinted in the anthology The Book of Apex: Volume 3:

Every night as I sleep on my futon, I dream that I’m a rabbit, running on a river of moonlight. My fur is white, my legs strong and swift, and I’m going to see Mama.

Papa said that Mama left because she was one of the obake, the spirit folk. She tricked him into marrying her when he was a rich man and could buy her French perfume and trinkets from Cartier’s. But then Papa’s company got bought by a Western interest which wasn’t of a mind to buy Papa along with it. When next the full moon beckoned, Mama turned into a silver rabbit scented with Envy by Gucci, a platinum Bulgari watch around her throat, and flew out into the night.

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Happy 2013! No Resolutions. Well, maybe just one.

This is normally when I look back over the previous year and make some resolutions for the new one, but I’m sort of off resolutions. It’s not that I don’t have any goals or good intentions to enumerate. To the contrary, I have many items I’d like to accomplish, improvements I’d like to make, tasks I want to complete. But coming off of 2012, I find I made all my deadlines and am caught up on my urgently outstanding to-do items. Aside from feeling like I should beware the impending Apocalypse, it makes me realize that I haven’t found resolutions all that helpful. When a deadline pops up, I’ll work my ass off to meet it because that’s what I do with deadlines. When a project lands on my plate, ditto ass ditto off ditto just ‘cuz. And I’m fully aware of personal items I’d like to address with an eye towards improvement as they’re largely the same ones dogging me most if not all my life. Me making a list isn’t going to up my motivation or change my work habits, or at least it certainly hasn’t up to this point.

So I’m going to skip the resolution list-making. Instead, I’ll just resolve to do my best, and if/when my best doesn’t pan out the way I’d like, I resolve not to let it get to me.

In lieu of a list of resolutions, herein a rundown of my work published in 2012:

†free fiction

Biba Jibun at Pseudopod and Adventures in E-book Publishing Update

First and foremost, “Biba Jibun” is now up at Pseudopod for your free listening pleasure, read by the talented Kara Grace. Enjoy!

Next, laid out in quasi-scientific fashion, an update on my foray into releasing some of my previously published and out-of-print short fiction as e-books: Continue reading

Human for a Day anthology with Beneath the Silent Bell, the Autumn Sky Turns to Spring Now Out and Obligatory End of Year Awards Pimpage

The anthology Human for a Day, edited by Jennifer Brozek and Martin H. Greenberg (DAW Books), is now out with my story “Beneath the Silent Bell, the Autumn Sky Turns to Spring”! It’s available at bookstores and online booksellers such as and in print and as an ebook.

Also, the Nebula Award nominations are now open, and the Hugos are coming up, so herein the obligatory shameless pimpage for the short stories I’ve had published this year for your consideration:

  • “Black Swan, White Swan” in anthology End of an Aeon, edited by Marti and Bridget McKenna (July, Fairwood Press), also produced as a podcast by PodCastle (listen to it for free!) and reprinted in my Mortal Clay, Stone Heart ebook collection.
  • “Biba Jibun” in Apex Magazine issue #23 in April (read it for free!)
  • “The Princess and the Golden Fish” in Cricket Magazine, serialized in the January through April issues.
  • “Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo” in Daily Science Fiction in September (read it for free!)
  • “The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk” in podcast Drabblecast in August (listen to it for free!) for their Lovecraft Appreciation Month and reprinted as an ebook.

And a final plug in this plug-filled post, I’m running two deals for the month of December:

F is for Foster (and Fabian and Frohock)

Erin M. Hartshorn is spotlighting an A to Z of women writers in science fiction and fantasy, and this week I’m up with “F” (along with Karina Fabian and Teresa Frohock). Erin has some very nice things to say about “Biba Jibun” in her review:

I loved this story for the exploration of a world I don’t live in, as well as for the alienation that Rini experienced — an alienation akin to that many of us feel in high school, or even in life, as though we’ll never fit in.

Check out her full review and her A-Z list!

Short Story Reprint Sale to Pseudopod: Biba Jibun

Just heard from Shawn Garrett, Pseudopod’s editor, that they want to podcast “Biba Jibun,” slated for publication sometime next year. Woot!

It’s been a while since I sold to one of the Escape Artists stable. Way delighted to have ended that bit of a dry spell. Love love love having my work produced by them.

Biba Jibun Now Out in Apex Magazine

In one of the shortest lead times between sale and publication that I’ve ever seen, “Biba Jibun” is now out in the April issue (#23) of Apex Magazine!

Original Fiction
“Biba Jibun”
by Eugie Foster

“The Eater”
by Michael J. Deluca

“The Button Bin”
by Mike Allen (Originally published by Helix: Speculative Fiction Quarterly in 2007)

“Ghosts of New York”
by Jennifer Pelland (Originally published in the anthology Dark Faith by Apex Publications in 2010)

“Thirteen Principles of Faith”
by Rose Lemberg

“An Introductory Guide to the Nebula Awards”
by Michael A. Burstein
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Day 34: Princess and the Golden Fish Part 4 Now Out and Biba Jibun Slated for April

It promises to be a frazzling week. The legislature is in session every day. Then they’re taking all next week off for spring break *insert eye rolling* before coming back to finish the last two days. Urg.

In better news: heard from Jason Sizemore that “Biba Jibun” is slated for the April issue of Apex. Sweet!

Also, got my contrib. copies of the April issue of Cricket with part 4, the conclusion of “The Princess and the Golden Fish” in it:
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Day 32: Biba Jibun Sold to Apex and Article Reprint

Day 32 and I’m still hanging in there…mostly by my fingernails. This almost-in-the-homestretch-but-not-quite part of the legislative session is when my nerves, sense of humor, and patience start getting frayed and frazzled. But the tunnel has a light, and I’m speeding toward it. Calmblueocean.

Writing Updates:
As I tweeted yesterday, I sold my short story “Biba Jibun” to Apex Magazine! Absolutely thrilled to have another story of mine published by these fine folks. Getting that “we want it” note from Jason Sizemore totally made my day.

I also had reprinted my “A Writer’s Resolution: I Will Submit” article in the March/April 2011 issue of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators New England newsletter, The NEWS.

And I managed another 1,400 words on Dragon Queller:

37704 / 85000 words. 44% done!

I’ve hit a bridge section that I’m not sure what to do with. I know what happens after it, but I’m uncertain how to get there from the scene I just completed. I’ve been writing this linearly thus far, and I’d like to try to keep doing that; I think it results in less cutting down the editing road. But I don’t want to just spin my wheels on a bridge scene either. Going to do a bit of an editing pass on a couple chapters and see if that joggles or jump-starts anything. Otherwise, we’re wrinkling the damn line.