“All in My Mind” (in anthology Hitting the Skids in Pixeltown, Phobos Books, 2003) was a winner of the 2nd Annual Phobos Fiction Contest with judges including Larry Niven, Orson Scott Card, and Catherine Asaro and a Top Ten finisher in the Best Science Fiction Short Story category of the 2003 Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll. | |
Bards and Sages Quarterly named me their Author of the Year for 2009. | |
Killers (Swimming Kangaroo Books, 2008), with my story, “Beautiful Summer,” was a finalist in the 2nd Annual Black Quill Awards (2008) in the category of “Best Dark Genre Fiction Collection.” | |
“Beautiful Winter” was reprinted in the first annual InterGalactic Awards Anthology, Spotlight Publishing, 2012. | |
“Body and Soul Art” was reprinted in The Best of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine: Horror, Tehani Wessely (ed.), June 2007. | |
“Daughter of Bótù” was recommended by Aaron Hughes as his Story of the Week pick at Fantastic Reviews Blog.
“The Life and Times of Penguin“ (Escape Pod podcast) was nominated for a 2006 Parsec Award in the Best Speculative Fiction Story (short form) category. | |
“Little Grace of the House of Death“ received the Drabblecast People’s Choice Best Story of 2012 Award. | |
Mortal Clay, Stone Heart and Other Stories in Shades of Black and White won the 2012 eFestival of Words Best of the Independent eBook Award in the Best Short Story Collection category! | |
The Dragon and the Stars (DAW, 2010), with my story, “Mortal Clay, Stone Heart,” won the 2011 Aurora Award in the category of “Best English Related Work.” | |
“My Friend is a Lesbian Zombie“ (Escape Pod podcast) was nominated for a 2006 Parsec Award in the Best Speculative Fiction Story (short form) category. | |
“A Nose for Magic” was a finalist for the Pagan Fiction Award 2007, sponsored by PanGaia Magazine and Llewellyn Publications. | |
Aegri Somnia (Apex Publications, 2006), with my story, “Nothing of Me,” was a finalist of the 2006 Bram Stoker Awards in the “Superior Achievement in an Anthology” category. | |
“Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” was reprinted in Apex Digest Best of 2005, Jason Sizemore (ed.), Apex Publications, 2006; nominated for a 2005 Pushcart Award; and nominated for the 2006 Southeastern Science Fiction Award (SESFA) in the Best Short Fiction of 2005 category.
The When the Villain Comes Home anthology (Dragon Moon Press, 2012), with “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me,” is a 2012 ForeWord Book of the Year Award Finalist in the Short Stories (Adult Fiction) category. |
“The Reign of the Wintergod” was a Top Ten finisher in the Best Horror Short Story category of the 2003 Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll. | |
“Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo” was named a 2011 Million Writers Award Notable Story. | |
“Returning My Sister’s Face” was reprinted in Best New Fantasy, Sean Wallace (ed.), Prime Books, Nov. 2006.
“Running on Two Legs” was nominated for a 2005 British Fantasy Award in the Best Short Story category. | |
“Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast”
Solaris Rising 2 (Solaris Books, 2013), with my story, “Whatever Skin You Wear,” is a finalist for the 2014 Philip K. Dick Award. | |
“When it Ends, He Catches Her”
“The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk“ received the Drabblecast People’s Choice Best Story of 2011 Award and was named #13 on SF Signal’s list of the Best Podcast Fiction of All Time. | |
“The Wizard of Eternal Watch” was reprinted in Best New Romantic Fantasy 2, Paula Guran (ed.), Juno Books, 2007. |
Short Story Collections
Short Fiction eBooks