Nothing of Me

Nothing of Me ebook ebook cover Originally published in the anthology Aegri Somnia, Jason Sizemore (ed.), Apex Publications, Dec. 2006. Aegri Somnia was a finalist of the 2006 Bram Stoker Awards in the “Superior Achievement in an Anthology” category.

E-book (June 2013): $0.99
ePub, iPad, PDF, Palm (PDB), Sony (LRF)

ISBN: 978-1-3014-1555-7

Based on the myth of pitiable monster Scylla, the story re-imagines the timeless story of Beauty and the Beast to make modern and poignant observations on the ugliness of self-hatred.
Elizabeth A. Allen, Tangent

A rich reworking of Greek legends, where the greatest horror lies in what we do to ourselves.”
Morgan MacLeod, My life in books

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