Launch Pad: Day 0, Sunday

In Laramie, WY, settled in my Launch Pad digs, piggybacking on some stranger’s WiFi. Each workshop participant has their own student apartment with their own kitchenettes, bedrooms, and living rooms. But I had to rethink my “hotel” expectations when packing, and change settings to “apartment.”

Jerry Weinberg arrived on Saturday and emailed the group with a “what to expect” and informed us that there are no hangers or paper towels. So I snagged some travel hangers; not enough as it turns out, but enough to make due. There’s also no television. Not a problem on the program-watching side, but a bit perplexing at bedtime. I’m accustomed to sleeping with the sound and light of a television playing, and I had a hard time getting to sleep without one. But, then I turned to my trusty laptop, set some Enya on repeat, and turned on the Windows Media Player visualizations. Voila, sleep.

The flight in was smooth. I was nestled between an elderly lady who was grumpy because she couldn’t get a pillow (they apparently don’t have those on AirTran) and a little girl flying alone, all three of us of different races (White, Asian, Black). Looking at the row of us, I had a moment’s thought of “crone matron maiden,” but I don’t like thinking of myself as “matron,” and the little girl was too young to be what I envision as “maiden.” Perhaps “grandma, grown-up, girl” would be more accurate.

We were stuck right behind business class, so there were only two tray tables for three of us, and I was curious to see how that would resolve itself. As it turns out, none of us used them. Neither grandma nor girl put theirs down when the complimentary drink service came around, and as they didn’t, I didn’t have to choose which one to use. Interesting that we all saw the peculiar little social puzzle and simply avoided it.

Caught a little bit of turbulence heading towards Denver, which I always enjoy (as long as it doesn’t go longer than a second or two), but it freaked the little girl, who gasped in dismay every time, and grandma didn’t seem thrilled either.

Met all my Launch Pad workshop mates and instructors. Finally got to meet folks who I’ve only known as online presences, like ktempest and samhenderson. Yay! We all went out for dinner at a brew pub, and I sat with Vonda McIntryre, Jerry Oltion, and Samantha Henderson. I felt rather wide-eyed at the company I was in, not only ’cause of their amazing writerly accomplishments (and yes, the first chance I got, despite my intentions not to gush and squee, I did indeed gush and squee at Vonda, who was very gracious and warm and didn’t go running in the other direction), but I just don’t have much opportunity to hang with other writers. And, y’know, I really lubs it. Like-minded folks, ooo. Can’t wait for the workshop to begin.

The syllabus lists a “pre-test” for this morning, which has me a bit anxious. Makes me twitchy about “should I have studied up”? I actually started to brush up on some Astronomy 101, but at around Venus, I figured I’d just let the woeful state of my astronomy knowledge flap free in all its shameful glory. After all, to help rectify that is the purpose of this workshop.

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10 Responses to Launch Pad: Day 0, Sunday

  1. j_hotlanta says:

    Study for the test? To me, the problem is that science keeps changing the answers.

    What IS Uranus this week??

  2. klingonguy says:

    I’m so envious of you and the other folks who were able to go to this. Please keep the reports coming (unless of course you can’t manage the time for them), as they are greatly appreciated.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thanks, sweetie! I shall verily endeavour to keep updating regularly on my Launch Pad experiences. There’ll be WiFi at the university where most of the workshop classes/lectures/discussions will be, but I’m dependent upon the vagaries of a stranger’s wireless hub at the apartment.

  3. terracinque says:

    Until I looked at her LJ and saw she was a different person, I was perplexed, because I could think of no good reason why Sam Henderson would be attending Launch Pad.

  4. Keep the reports coming in. I am so living vicariously here; better than drowning in abject envy! Did Josepha Sherman arrive? I seem to remember she was going to be a participant. She is such a wit and should enliven the conversation immensely (although I bet it’s pretty spirited as it is).

    Let us know the results of the quiz. I’d fail astronomy, too. After all, who can keep even Sol’s planets straight when they keep changing the lineup?

    And thanks for the heads up on the SF-lit panel participation, oh great DD-mistress. I emailed the full list I had to you earlier today. Looks like some great topics. I’m delighted at the chance to contribute.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thanks for getting me that list! I’ll reply to Sue as soon as I get a few moments. And yepper, Josepha’s here. She’s the only workshop-mate I’d actually met in person before!

  5. sargent says:

    Yay! I’m glad you arrived safely and weren’t at the wrong end of the terminal. It sounds like it’s going to be a fabulous week for you.

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