
Apparently the Ms. Fantasm Pageant judging sheet from last year was lost down some bottomless oubliette on my computer. Had to create a new one from scratch. But at least the contestant forms were still intact. Both are printed out and ready to go.

I still only have TWO judges, although in a pinch I can always push dude_the on stage as the “man on the street” judge. Three will perfectly acceptable.

Didn’t sew the sash edges together yesterday. Will do that tonight. Or I will scrounge up some safety pins. Going to brainstorm and then print out the Q&A questions, then we should be set. Whew. Nothing like a flurry of last minute activity to make a girl feel hectic, or productive, or something.

Still have no idea what I’m going to wear.

Did I totally flake out or are there not going to be Concoction and Iron Bartender contests this year?

Writing stats:

*snort* Yeah, right. Got a couple more offers from Critters to do RFDRs on my novella, but I declined them as I’m going to mail the thing out tomorrow.

Received a note from the Blasphemy anthology folks. Promo material is winging its way to me. Hope it makes it in time for the convention. No sign of my copies of “Ascendancy of Blood” from Scrybe Press either, but it’s got another day to make it.

Oh my god, I just realized I haven’t done any prep for the panels I’m scheduled for! Omigod, omigod, omigod! *scampers off to compile notes*

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