Received a postcard in the mail. It read:
“Dear Hobkin, Please tell Matthew that you are due in for your shots . . .”
Obviously, a reminder notice from our vet to bring Hobkin in for his annual exam. I found the note incredibly endearing. Of course, that’s the reason they do it like that, to appeal to pet owners. And hey, it worked! Also, I really like our vet. They’re tops when it comes to skunks.
So it looks like we’ll be scheduling an appointment for him right soon. Hobkin will be displeased. I plan to insist upon being the one to hold him when they administer his shots, as it will be far less traumatic for everyone concerned. I want to avoid another scene with him screaming bloody murder. It’s amazing the set of vocal cords that are on our normally-silent fuzzwit. And he’s absolutely untroubled by anything the vet does to him as long as I’m holding him. He’s such a momma’s boy.
Writing Stuff:
Received a perfectly lovely crit from azhure on my current Critters offering. Thanks, sweetie! I greatly appreciate the supportive comments and suggestions! But I’m falling way behind on my thank you notes. Eep. Seems like I’m looking at another deluge as I’m already at eighteen and it’s only the second week of four. *gulp*
Received a rejection from the Poe’s Progeny anthology. The story wasn’t quite what they were going for with their theme. They invited me to submit something else, but I’m not sure if I have anything suitable.