Felt like a lump for most of this week. It’s cold, and I keep getting headaches. I suspect they’re sinus headaches. But finally (finally!), my muse popped in. Her visit feels fleeting, but I’m sitting on her as she tries to squiggle away.
Writing stats:
800+ words on a new fantasy story inspired by Hobkin’s foray against the lizard people. Not sure where it’s going. Don’t have anything in mind plot-wise or character-wise, but the words started coming. Who am I but a story’s channel, after all? I suspect I’ll have to engage some sort of concept before too long, but I’m pleased to be making progress on something.
Tried to pick up the novel. Re-read the first few chapters, and then put it down. I wonder if I should stop fighting with this and call it quits, dammit. Maybe I would be better off starting another novel concept rather than trying to force this one. I dunno.
I’m at seventy-one critiques of my current offering at Critters. Glurk. I don’t think I can do my usual statistical analysis with that many. I think instead I’m just going to read each critique over again, and apply suggestions as they “feel” right to me. I’ve started on the rewrite. Most people thought the opening was weak, so I redid it. I was dwelling upon tightening it before the tale went up for critique, so that just cemented it. Also, there was a general consensus that my antagonists were a little too heavily drawn. Going to dwell on how to rectify that.
Finished reading Mortal Suns by Tanith Lee. It was beautiful and powerful, but it felt unconcluded. Wonder if she intends for it to be the beginning of a series?
FEEL BETTER SOON! Headaches SUCK! *hugs*