Ruckus at the Capitol: Lost Valentine Filming

Came in to work this morning to see huge equipment trucks parked in front of the capitol.  Seems they’re shooting a movie here today. A quick Google check informs me that it’s Lost Valentine starring Betty White and Jennifer Love-Hewitt.

They’ve set up white lighting backdrops and several furniture prop pieces in the rotunda.  I’m amused that all it takes is a few long benches to transform the interior of the Georgia State Capitol into a train station:

Debating whether I want to wander downstairs during my lunch break to gape at the Hollywood doings, but I probably won’t.  There’s usually not that much to see at these sorts of things–lots of waiting around and prep mostly.

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2 Responses to Ruckus at the Capitol: Lost Valentine Filming

  1. Shannon says:

    I don’t know. Is Betty White going to be filming? ‘Cause I’d go down for a chance (however slim) to meet her! 🙂

  2. Eugie Foster says:

    I don’t know if any of the stars are going to be at today’s filming, alas.

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