Still at work. The House is gone, but the Senate is still plugging away–on their last bill of the night, though! Barring a special session, only one more day and Session 2007 is done done done!
However, in a total non-confluence of timing, fosteronfilm is working at the Atlanta Film Festival this week, so I’ll actually see very little of him. And it’s even going to be a three-day weekend (Confederate Memorial Day, booyah!).
I’ll just have to celebrate surviving my first session with Hobkin . . .

Writing Stuff
Next week (assuming no special session), the plan is for me to launch my Eugie-Will-Write-a-Novel-Dammit! effort. Kinda apprehensive and intimidated about the prospect. Mucho performance anxiety.
you’re going to be fine. i have the utmost faith in you.
How do we start a novel cheering section for ya?
Go go Gadget long form.
YES! 😀
I have NO doubts that even your earliest drafts will be superb. You’ve spent so much time thinking about this project, I can see the words flowing with great ease, once you get started.
So get started, already!