I heard a little blurb on NPR via shower radio this morning and it made me grin. I wanted to post a link to the story here, but I can’t find any write-up online. Guess it was too small for them to bother with. Or maybe it hasn’t been posted yet (since it was just this morning).
Anyway, some Alaskan fishermen caught a Humboldt penguin in their nets and when they reeled it in, they were like: “It’s a penguin. Wow.” In probably bears mentioning that Humboldts are not indigenous to Alaska, but rather hie from South America around the coasts of Chile and Peru. The NPR guys were talking about how the penguin managed to make it to Alaska, and said that it’s probable that it hitched a ride.
I immediately thought of Opus on some sort of pilgrimage. *Giggle*
Thank you NPR and Berkely Breathed.
Writing stats:
2000 words on High Fantasy work (!).
400 words on funky Dark Fantasy hybrid thingy (sigh).
My creative process remains a mystery to me.
Are you suggestin’ that penguins migrate?!
“2000 words on High Fantasy work (!).
400 words on funky Dark Fantasy hybrid thingy (sigh).”
It’s because of the term “hybrid thingy.” You haven’t defined it right. If it’s a hybrid, it can only be part thingy. Once you figure out what the other part is, it’ll probably flow a lot easier.
For what it’s worth, I’m having a bit of writing frustration myself today. Got an e-mail from a developer, asking me to go back and add a brief section to a project I thought was done. No big deal, except that the amount of writing I can do in a day is limited ‘cuz of the fingers, so that means that I lost almost half a day’s worth of writing on my current project. Bleah.
“Are you suggestin’ that penguins migrate?!“
Mmmf. You mean you haven’t seen the stately “V” of penguins winging by overhead on their migration paths?
“It’s because of the term “hybrid thingy.” You haven’t defined it right. If it’s a hybrid, it can only be part thingy. Once you figure out what the other part is, it’ll probably flow a lot easier.“
Ah. I see the error of my ways. The problem is that I need to compartmentalize my writing into niches. Hmm. I shall dwell upon that. Perhaps I can cram it into this doohicky or tweak it into this thingamajig . . .
“For what it’s worth, I’m having a bit of writing frustration myself today. Got an e-mail from a developer, asking me to go back and add a brief section to a project I thought was done. No big deal, except that the amount of writing I can do in a day is limited ‘cuz of the fingers, so that means that I lost almost half a day’s worth of writing on my current project. Bleah.“
Oh wah, Mousie-fangs! Lemme get this straight, your paying gig is interfering with your other big paying gig. Let the feeling sorry for you begin. Not. 😉
“Oh wah, Mousie-fangs! Lemme get this straight, your paying gig is interfering with your other big paying gig. Let the feeling sorry for you begin. Not. ;)”
Oh, I see. So it’s like that, huh? Fine, you go ahead and mock my pain. I can take it. 😛
(I swear, you’ve been taking lessons from George. She also seems remarkably unsympathetic to problems of this sort. Gosh, one would think you people believed I liked what I’m doing.) 😉
“Gosh, one would think you people believed I liked what I’m doing“
Nah. Why would you like being able to work your own hours and get paid for creating beauty and magic and art? Why would you enjoy coming up with stories and ideas for a living?
I’m not bitter. Nope, not me ;).
penguin on vacation
And here I was thinking that I was one of the few representitives of my age group listening to NPR! I heard the same story this morning on my a.m. commute. Conspiricy theorists might conjecture that the penguin is an escapee from a secret governmental training facility used to secretly deploy explosives behind enemy lines in arctic training senerios. But not the more rational members of society.
(btw, the neurons governing spelling have decided to take the day off and took the dictionary with them)
National Public Radio: the Next Generation
“here I was thinking that I was one of the few representitives of my age group listening to NPR!“
They can just call us “NPR: tNG” ;). I listen fanatically to NPR in the shower (huzzah for shower radios), on the drive in to work, and on the drive home. It gets me through some occasionally scary traffic bits around and about Metro Atlanta. Oh, and one of our closest friends is an NPR junky. So we’re out there. You are not alone, brother!