Coffee, Tea, Writing

Went out to the Perimeter Mall yesterday to buy tea and coffee at Teavana and Harry & David’s, respectively. Felt quite decadent about spending large sums of money on tea and coffee. But hey, they’re major parts of our at-home recreation. Decided to try a new flavor of tea: Genmaicha. It’s a toasted brown rice/green tea blend with bits of popcorn in it. As it turns out, I’m not really a big fan. I think they were going for a “toasted” flavor. But “toasted tea” translates to “burnt” to my taste buds. But Matthew thinks it’ll be good tea to have with food rather than just to sip.

This week is our celebration of Ostara. Going to reprise last year’s parsnip and apple soup, as well as make some beer bread. Yummy. And again, my diet plans are thwarted. I really need to exercise.

And after a couple weeks of washings, the red in my hair appears to be more prominent. I think I like it now. I still intend to stick with black in the future, but for now it’s kind of neat. As long as it doesn’t start turning orange.

Writing Stats:

2800 words on the fantasy/VR fusion piece. I got hung up on a scene, and realized I wasn’t being productive, so I skipped it and went to the next scene. I’ve only done that sort of writing a handful of times; usually I write in a very chronological fashion. But it got me out of my stew. Need to go back and write the middle section I skipped, but somehow I don’t feel blocked knowing the story will progress from point A to point C since, well there point C is. Of course if point B throws me a total curve and makes point C wrong, I shall be miffed . . .

Did a few critiques on Critters (including yours, britzkrieg). I saw that I wasn’t on the MPC list on this week’s notes. Fired off a note to Andrew. Not sure what’s up with that as I sent in eleven crits by Monday. Humph.

Heard back from the Blasphemy anthology publishers. They don’t think it’ll be out in time for Fantasm, but they’re going to try to send me some freebie promo stuff to hand out at the convention.

Also sent a note to the editor/publisher of Tales of the Paranormal anthology declining the honor of being the promo piece on her website for it. I did say she could excerpt some of “Inspirations End,” but that I didn’t want the story in its entirety up. I hope she’s not angry with me, but I’m actively trying to market reprint rights, and I’m sure having it so freely available would hurt my chances of a sale.

And, good news! The editor of the MicroSHOCKS anthology posted on the Rumor Mill that MicroSHOCKS may have found a home at Scrybe Press. (This is the anthology that had its publisher fold after accepting my flash story “Reflections in the Mirror”.) Hurray!

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5 Responses to Coffee, Tea, Writing

  1. britzkrieg says:

    Did a few critiques on Critters (including yours, britzkrieg).

    Thanks in advance! I look forward to reading your comments.

    This week is our celebration of Ostara.

    Fun! This week is our celebration of bamboo flooring, concrete, and the new kind of pressure-treated wood. I feel like a pressure-treated Britz, actually.

    I really need to exercise.

    Gah. You and me both! I need a corset–where should I look for one?

  2. mery_bast says:

    That type of tea you bought is actually wonderful if you pour it over a bowl of rice. You can add sesame seeds or salmon flakes or green onions if you like but I just eat it plain- rice mixed with tea.

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