Well, crap. LJ ate my original post. Bastards! That’ll teach me not to compose in a client.
In brief, I didn’t exercise yesterday, so that counter gets zeroed out. Bad Eugie. I got distracted by a work issue and by the time I had it sorted out–not resolved, but sorted out–I was exhausted and it was very late. So I went to sleep instead of getting out the yoga mat. Foo. Well, I knew I sucked at sticking to an exercise program, so I’m not totally disheartened.
Also, our DVD-ROM is not well. It’s troubled. It errors out on more burns that it succeeds on. Matthew thinks we may have a bad DVD-R spindle, which is possible. He just opened a new one and all of the errors have occurred on those discs. But the burner might be ailing too. Hardware problems. I don’t like hardware problems.

Writing Stuff
Got a registered and insured package from DHL this morning. Thankfully the delivery person was quite determined as I was not in any condition to answer the door. She rang the bell and then pounded on the door when that didn’t bring me fast enough. A hastily-donned night shirt and jamie-pants later, I was delighted to see the package was from Greece! After tearing it open, I confirmed that it was indeed my check from 9 for my “Adventures of Manny the Mailmobile” reprint. Yay for being paid! It’s in Euros and I don’t know how much the bank will subtract in the exchange, but money is good. Amusing that that little ditty of a story that I rattled out with my tongue firmly planted in cheek has earned me so much money, over $1000 between the Cicada sale and the 9 reprint for a 4K worder. Sweet. I immediately sent off another reprint to 9 in the hopes they’ll translate and buy another reprint. I love the Greeks.
New words: 1000
On an essay. Normally I wouldn’t count non-fiction writing, but this one was hard to write and it took up all of my fiction-writing time to compose. It’s not meant for publication either, but I’m going to count it in my 100/day dammit. Although not in my 500 tally.
Handed off the folktale to Matthew to first reader. He hasn’t yet. I shall prod him mercilessly.
over $1000 between the Cicada sale and the 9 reprint
Now you’re just bragging. 😉
Not too shabby! (I suppose I should say Opa!)
“Now you’re just bragging. 😉“
Well, maybe a little.
I’m just so jazzed about actually making decent money from a short story.
I think you deserve to brag a little.
Congratz! I’ve been lazy the last couple of days, but then I do have another sinus infection. I tried to go to the doctor, but there was a two hour wait, so I nixed it. I’ll have to try again tommorrow. Nothing kills creativity more than being sick and I totally understand about exercise avoidance. You are still doing great though. Keep it up!
I’m sure the happy dance after opening the package replaced any yoga you might have missed yesterday. 😉
LJ ate my original post. Bastards! That’ll teach me not to compose in a client.
It’s totally a conspiracy. I lost one this week, too. I didn’t bother rewriting mine though. At least you didn’t let LJ win!