Fantasm pix

Didn’t gnaw my arm off at my CAT scan, but someone, one of the receptionists I think, had her lunch with her, from which wafted the mouth-watering aroma of French fries. I think bringing French fries into a waiting room filled with people who have been instructed not to eat for several hours, at lunchtime, should qualify as a flogging offense.

Spent some time yesterday surfing various Fantasm review sites looking for a picture of me in my bunny outfit on Saturday. Have yet to find any, but I did find some mahvelous pix, from this year and last, taken by James Garner and Rev. Bob (Feel the Hate).

My sleeve-fwoofy outfit I wore on Thursday. Matthew gave me the top for my birthday. It’s actually not a dress; it’s just a longish tunic blouse. But put a corset on a tunic and voila, it’s a dress.

Here’s me at the Ms. Fantasm pageant directing the soon-to-be 2nd Runner-up to the stage.

2003. Was Zwi not at Fantasm this year? I looked for her, but didn’t see her, to my dismay and sadness. Actually, there were a bunch of folks I consider “Fantasm regulars” who I didn’t bump into this year. Did the hotel scare them away?

Writing stuff:

Stupid muse. *kick*

Plan for the weekend: jugs of coffee, a blank computer screen, and willpower. (Not quite the same thing as “a loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou beneath the bough.”)

On a bright and shiny note, Scrybe Press has Ascendancy of Blood for sale on its website now. The editor says it’ll hit the other major outlets like Amazon, Shocklines, and Fictionwise soon. Buyitbuyitbuyit! It’s only $3.49 with free shipping!

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24 Responses to Fantasm pix

  1. tk0667 says:

    *Rowr* Oops did i say that outloud? Sorry dont hurt me foster! =P

  2. lilithraevyn says:

    Holy Kris Kringle on a Skewer!

    A handful of change for a twisted version of a fairy tale?


    I’m secretly (not so much so?) obsessed with warped fairy tales.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Isn’t it a rawking deal? And the chapbook is beautiful. The cover is thick and glossy, and the edges are clean-cut, not hamster-gnawed like so many chapbooks you see out there. Scrybe Press puts out a high-quality product.

      I’m secretly (not so much so?) obsessed with warped fairy tales.

      I adore re-told fairy tales! Have you seen the Ellen Datlow/Terri Windling edited anthology series? I’m so bummed they stopped publishing those.

  3. You look mahvelous! *love the pictures*

  4. A few things kept me away this year, but you look faboo – as always.

    Speaking of me and my slack ass self – I really should conact you and Matt at some point and swing a visit with me and the winged-one.

  5. yakdog says:


    Enjoyed your pics and review–glad to have you with us, as always. I hope that you’ll be selling and autographing your work at this year’s Dragoncon…any details available yet?

    We were missing some familiar faces. Our problems with the hotel’s guest rooms and phone lines (!) may have had something to do with that. Also, it’s common for people to miss a year due to Easter conflicts, and so on. On the bright side:

    1. The parking lot was already packed full…not sure what we’ll do about that after the renovation.
    2. We had plenty of shiny new people, including a strong turnout from my adopted hometown of Huntsvegas. 🙂
    3. From what I heard at the con and what I’ve been seeing online, the overwhelming majority of our people got past this year’s hotel problems, had a wonderful time, and are eager to come back for more.
    4. No problems with damages to the hotel. 😉
    5. While some of the people who couldn’t make it were missed, many weren’t. To quote , our hard-working kink track lead:

    Had the best time in years, though I saw less than I ever have. Funny that! The atmosphere was different. The drunk rednecks were gone. The troublemakers stayed home. The gatecrashers either bought passes or crashed at other gates. All that was left was the core, the heart, the soul of Fantasm, and that my friends, was a very very very good thing. For the first time, instead of leaving exhausted and frustrated, I left with a sense of renewal and hope for the future.

    Next year, we’ll make a few more improvements and do the show again…on a renovated (or new) property.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Thanks!

      Fantasm was, as always, an utter blast! Mucho thanks and cheers to you and all your fellow hardworking directors for the wonderful job you do, putting it together!

      I’ll definitely be at Dragon*Con. Going to be flying the Daily Dragon solo as Matthew is now the director of the Indy Film Track, but I still hope to be able to squeeze in some panels and autographing. Sleep? Maybe not. Book pimping? You betcha.

  6. fings says:

    I have seen at least two of you in the bunny ears

    One here and one here . I thought I saw a third somewhere, but I don’t recall where.

  7. harmonyfb says:

    .On a bright and shiny note, Scrybe Press has Ascendancy of Blood for sale on its website now.

    Ordered. 🙂 I also picked up “Murdered by Human Wolves”, as I’ve heard that’s pretty good. I was going to order it from Shocklines, but the lure of free shipping tipped the scale.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Thank you! And yes, “Murdered by Human Wolves” is fabulous. I’ve read it and I would definitely recommend it.

      • harmonyfb says:

        So how have you liked Scrybe Press so far?

        • Eugie Foster says:

          Scrybe Press puts out an incredibly beautiful product. I can’t praise the quality of their chapbooks highly enough. At first I was a little dubious about the whole chapbook concept as I’ve seen so many really crappy production value ones. But theirs are top-of-the-line, something I’m proud to have my name associated with.

          I also like how Nathan (the editor dude) conducts business. He responds promptly to emails, keeps me up-to-date on the progress of my stuff, and is very professional to work with. I’m still in the “just published stuff with them” stage of our relationship so I haven’t had a chance to see how the royalty payment situation will work out, but as long as the checks come in a timely fashion according to the dictates of my contract, I really am quite pleased with them.

          ‘Course if I had my druthers I’d make more money, but y’know, what non-Stephen King-level writer doesn’t say that?

  8. You may be one of the hottest writers in the field. :>

    Someday I’ll go to Fantasm just for the experience.

  9. Whoa, mama.

    I just want to take the opportunity to say that those are pictures of MY boss, come Dragon*Con. 😉

    Now you’re making me all wistful that I didn’t get to go to Fantasm.

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