So we thought Hobkin was all better, but then he decided to have a relapse as well as refuse to eat his breakfast yesterday. As long as he was eating, I figured we could handle it, but when he turned up his nose at cucumbers, bell peppers, bok choy, watermelon, and bread, I got scared.
Called the vet, bundled skunk into carrier, off we went.
The vet we have is fantastic. They specialize in skunks, but they’re a forty-five minute drive away if the traffic is reasonable. The traffic was almost reasonable. We made it in an hour.
Hobkin didn’t have a temperature. From scruffing he didn’t seem dehydrated, although he was considerate enough to display a “bad tummy” symptom while we were there so they could test that. They also wanted to take blood.
Did you know there’s a new insurance company policy that owners can’t help restrain their own pets during veterinary procedures? Otherwise it nulls their malpractice insurance. How stupid is that? I’d be totally slack-jawed at the idea of owners suing vets after being bitten by their own fuzzies, except that’s exactly what brought about this policy change.
So they whisked Hobkin off to get his blood drawn, and while he’s gone, I heard these loud, piercing squawks. I knew there’s a parakeet next door, and I assumed they were doing something terrible to that poor bird. After a bit, they returned, lugging a very distressed Hobkin and he’s making these noises. As soon as they handed him to me, he stops, and clings to me for all he’s worth.
My poor baby! If I’d known it was him screaming for me, I’d have come running! I didn’t know such sounds could come out of him. I’ve heard other skunks scream, but Hobkin’s never done so before. I get stressed when he makes “roinking” noises, which is nothing compared to the sounds he was making at the vets.
I was traumatized. Hobkin was traumatized. Matthew tried to comfort both of us.
The vets ran their test on the small amount of blood they were able to pull. He was on the borderline of dehydration so they wanted to stick him again and get some subcutaneous fluids in. This time, the vet agreed to let me hold him for the procedure. Hobkin didn’t even twitch when the needle went in.
He’s such a momma’s boy.
They pumped a huge amount of solution into him, so much so that he had a bubble of slosh in his side. It actually skewed his coat so his stripe was crooked. Throughout the night I kept trying to tug it straight. Heh.
They also gave us amoxycillan and an anti-nausea drug to give him three times a day, which fortunately have agreeable tastes.
The clincher? As soon as we got home, we fed Hobkin lunch, and he snarfed it right up.
Writing stats:
Obviously there was a derailment on the writing train. But after we returned from our veterinary foray, I managed to crank out 3000 new words.
Also finished my review of the latest Ocean of the Mind and sent it to my editor. He said he’ll post it as soon as the substitute reviewer he found for the story written by the guy I know sends that in.
Hope to get more writing in today.
I remember when Tammi was sick late last year. She was so severely dehydrated that even after they pumped fluids into her, she didn’t produce any urine for them to test. The meds fixed her right up, though. That and force-feeding.
I know how anxious you must feel. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.
Happy Ostara?
Thanks. And Happy Ostara to you too! We postponed our Ostara celebration until today since yesterday was so chok full of Hobkin pampering.
Fortunately, Hobkin wasn’t very dehydrated, just borderline, so he’s doing okay on that front. I think he’s back on the mend. I hope.
Oh, no! Poor Hobkin! Poor you! Glad to hear he’s eating again, & here’s hoping that’s the last of his tummy problems.
nothing about malpractice insurance would surprise me.
my dad’s a CRNA, and he dumps between 1/4 and 1/3 of his salary into that black pit … a black pit filled with strange requirements and prohibitions.
but i’m glad to hear that Hobkin’s doing better
(or it sounds like he is)
and that he survived his procedures 😉
sick pets are always so alarming…
Glad Hobkin is doing okay. We had major cat surgery recently (I really ought to post about that; haven’t updated in ages), so I fully understand the nervousness and concern. (And the feeling of realizing that’s your critter crying in the other room.)
Keep us posted.
Nothing like a trip to a doctor (or vet) to make it all better! (If for no other reason than not to go BACK. 🙂 )
Glad Hobkin is doing better. *hugs for all of you*
Oh poor Hobkin! I know all about the mommy’s boy behavior. My Neo is the same. Luckily I have a vet that encourages us to hold our skunks while she draws blood. I have no idea what Neo would do if I were to leave him. When he came out of the anesthesia from the neuter, he was freaking out until he heard my voice. I sure hope yours is ok. Having a sick skunk is no fun at all!!!
What’s bok choy?
Awwww, poor Hobkin! I bet you never knew he could make those noises…poor baby.
I hope he gets better!!
“What’s bok choy?“
Bok choy is commonly known as “Chinese cabbage.” Also known as “white cabbage.” It’s crisp, has a light, sweet flavor, and is high in Vitamin A, Vitamin C and calcium. It’s also low in calories. Matthew puts it in stir fries and Hobkin eats lot of it.
Do they put it in lo-mein? I think I know what you’re talking about, it’s real light green in color? Kind of has a yellowish tint to it? If that’s it, then it’s good!