I miss my hubby. Got a few emails from him in Kentucky. He’s expecting to be home late tonight–probably more like early, early tomorrow. It’s hard to sleep without him in the house; it’s too quiet and too empty.

Here’s a picture I snapped of him napping before he left. My sweetie didn’t even stir at the flashbulb. *sigh* I really hate being apart from him for any length of time.
Thought there was a homeowners association meeting today, but I couldn’t find an email or a flier saying where and when. Dangit. Hope I didn’t miss it. Despite the fact that I hate them, this one was supposed to be an important one.

Writing Stuff
Received my check from Leading Edge for “Of Two Minds in Lanais” in the mail yesterday. Yay!
Did no writing over the weekend. Just couldn’t get in the proper mindset for it. Plus there was all the prep for the skunk show. I’ve decided to give myself weekends off from the 100 Club for Writers. I tend to do a lot of writing on weekends, but I think of it as “bonus” time. Plus there are some weekends which are just too busy to find time, and I don’t feel like I should beat myself up when those happen.
Hi Eugie,
I felt alone and so did my wife; while I was at D*C this year:( So, she’s coming with me next year.
Good idea to bring her with next year. I look forward to meeting her!
Where’s he at in Kentucky? I’m there just about every other week, maybe I should look him up. Hell, I’ll be there on Tuesday. They have this whole “horse” thing working there, it’s kind of creepy. Horses are cool and all, but damn, draw the line people, you know?
He was in Lexington, just for the weekend to judge a film festival. Here’s a link to the conference he was a guest at. He should be back home in a few hours (YAY!)
Commentary (of course!)
Money is good. Sympathy for you about being alone. A skunk just doesn’t cut it compared to a person (and especially a loved on.)