Got forwarded an e-mail from a fellow animal rights activist. I can’t believe that people’s actions can still surprise and appall me. And yet.
This is excerpted from an email from Mary K. Van Dahm of the Ferret Advice and Information Resource Society/Sanctuary. Some bastard just left a store full of animals to die of thirst and starvation:
“Recently we also helped rescue a bunch of animals from a pet store that had closed down. The owner just locked the door and walked away – leaving the animals behind to starve to death. Someone finally called the police, who broke in and found the animals. All of the puppies and kittens were already dead. So were the birds and most of the larger animals. Three ferrets, two rabbits and an assortment of small rodents survived. Thankfully the ferrets were able to be placed right away. The rabbits unfortunately were too sick and had to be put down. The rest of the rodents came to my house until we could find homes for them. While we have found homes for many of the males, most of the females were pregnant, which compounded the situation. We are still looking for homes for 3 guinea pigs, 6 golden hamsters, 4 dwarf hamsters, and 18 gerbils. A few other rodents will be put in our foster home system due to injuries they sustained while fighting for food or territory during their ordeal at the pet shop. Since we were not set up to take in so many rodents, we had to buy tanks and cages for them, food dishes, water bottles and food. Some of them needed veterinary care so we had to pay for that, too. At any rate, our association is financially in dire straits right now and we still have animals that need continued medical attention. Any donation that you would be willing to give would be greatly appreciated. You can make it payable to FAIR and send it to our P.O. box listed above or make it payable directly to our veterinarian – The Midwest Bird & Exotic Animal Hospital; 1923 S. Mannheim Rd. Westchester, IL 60154”
I seriously hope that the police are tracking this guy down. It can’t be that hard; his name has to be on all sorts of paperwork.
I think locking him in a jail cell and then forgetting to feed him would be a valid punishment, but since that’s not likely, I’ll settle for a hefty jail term with Rosco the horny weight-lifter as his cell mate. >:-(
The penalties for animal abuse and neglect are just way too paltry. Truly atrocious behavior is often penalized by a trifling fine or some other slap on the wrist. It just makes me furious! I so agree that the punishment should fit the crime. I hope they get the s.o.b. and scoop out his tonsils with a dirty spoon. *fume snarl growl*
What the hell is going on these days? I thought the kitten-roast (which still makes me teary-eyed) was the worst thing I’d heard in a good long while, but this has me in shock. A PET STORE OWNER?
People do suck!
They completely suck!
I’m not impressed with pet stores in general. A lot of times, the employees/management/owners of such establishments view the animals as commodities. Things like their comfort and safety often take a back seat to such things as profitability and convenience. And most pet stores buy their animals from mills, thereby perpetuating that travesty.
But just walking away from a whole store full of animals! That’s just unbelievable.
Sick bastard
Very ignorant of him to leave those poor animeals alone and unable to fend for themselves. Prison sodomy seems in a hot cell with nothing to eat and constant taunts from the neigborhood kids would be a suitable punishment.
But alas, this is not the way we do things.