Politics, photoshopping, and panda porn

Woke up early this morning (5AM!) due to a restless skunk. Since I have a follow-up doctor’s appointment this afternoon, I decided to go ahead and head on in to work so I could beat the rush hour traffic, have my car, and drive to my appointment instead of having to go through the work–>MARTA–>car–>doctor’s office headache that I went through last week. But I’m verily muzzy-headed and heavy-eyed now.

Therefore, linkage:

– The Pew Research Center conducted a recent national survey to determine how well informed on politics/current events Americans are today versus in 1989. (You can take the quiz yourself.) And here’s an interesting breakdown of the poll results.

– A freaky website elemess found on photo touch-ups (click on the “More Samples” link towards the bottom of the page to see further examples of the scariness). Children’s beauty pageants squick me out.

– And finally, panda porn. And it’s even work safe–unless your co-workers/boss are particularly offended by mating pandas . . .


Writing Stuff

– “The End of the Universe” in issue #3 of Darker Matter. Free fiction. Go read, yo!

New Words:
– 600 on the Fox Princess novel.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
4,288 / 40,000

Club 100 for Writers: 7

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5 Responses to Politics, photoshopping, and panda porn

  1. That photo retouching website was just scary! *shudder*

    I did think it was a very apt commentary on the whole “child beauty pagent” thing that the list of modifications to the picture you linked to include “Removed tears.”

  2. yukinooruoni says:

    I don’t see the point of retouching the pics.

    Some of the adults (like the bride), I can understand (sharpening the image, making it clearer, etc), but for the rest, they looked like bad photoshop retouches.

    If I had pics touched up, and they came back looking like that, I’d tell them to hire some competant artists and not their cousins’ nephew who knows MS Paint.

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