Just found out I sold my short story “Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” to the new .PDF science fiction ‘zine Transfinite. Rah! And they’re going to pay me in pounds . . . sigh. Ah well, the exchange rate is still pretty rocking. The editor said it’s slated for issue #9.
Short Story Collections
Short Fiction eBooks
You are on a ROLL! Congratulations on all the sales.
Thank you!
Yay and claps fruit together 🙂
Thanks! And, err, what kind of fruit? Hopefully not squishy . . .
All right! Congrats!
Thank you!
Awwwwwwwwww…shut up! Enough with the self-congratulatory, back-slapping, hey-look-at-me-ain’t-I-great, bragging stuff already…
ps: ever think about being a writer?
“ps: ever think about being a writer?“
Ooo. Now that’s an idea! Wow, thanks, that would never have occurred to me.
Not only will they pay you in pounds instead of dollars, but I bet they also send you a cheque instead of a check!
Very humourous.
*presses “Congratulations, Eugie” key*
Oh, good idea, Brit.
*programs new function key*
Congratulations Eugie!!!
Mmmf. Thank you, both of you. I have smartass LJ friends. Yup.
How awesome! Congratulations!
Good grief, woman, leave some page space for the rest of us! 😉
Hey, it’s a PDF publication! E-space is (virtually) infinite! Eep. *scampers away from angry mob*
Hey! We may be homicidal, we may be psychotic, but I don’t think we’re angry!
(She says, paraphrasing a film that no one reading this has probably seen…)
this is great!!
Thank you!
I remember when I critted that forever ago! This gives me hope, actually. So, yay, and congratulations!!
Yep, I remember your crit too! Very helpful and very encouraging. Thanks!
You ARE on a roll! Big congrats on this and all others!
Thank you!