Thanks to everyone for their well-wishes and/or alien mucus-harvesting commiseration.
Writing Stuff
Having a very good sales month! Just found out that the editor liked the rewrite I did of “The Wizard of Eternal Watch and the Keeper of Forever” and he wants to buy it for his Razor-edged Arcanum anthology. Hurray!
In less “yay” news:
4-day “it was well received but . . . ” from Lenox Ave.
105-day “not for us” from Feral Fiction.
But y’know, the sting of rejection is pretty toothless after a series of juicy sales.
Still oozing mucus. Returning to bed.
Oh, shut and be sick, will ya? Enough with this bragging about sales–it’s mmaking the rest of ill.
Glad you’re feeling better.
Green’s very becoming on you . . .
sorry you aren’t well 🙁 But seriously stoked to hear about all your wonderful acceptances 🙂
Thanks! I think the mucus production is begining to decrease.
Spring is just around the corner!! I hope you feel better soon.
Wow! It seems like you’re selling stuff every day! I hope it’s making the illness more bearable. Get well soon.
The superego is delighted; the id is whiny. Overall, I’m happy but prone to complaints .
*crowns Eugie Miss Prolific Short Story Seller*
Ooo, does that come with a sash and (faux) mink coat?
Congrats on yet another sale!
Hey, those Feral Fiction guys have been hard at work. They “no’d” one of mine, too.
Thanks! And yah, I think Feral Fiction went through a batch of slush recently. Fooie on them for rejecting us, I sez .
Eugie: Trying to send you email, but both addresses I’ve tried (your personal site one and your Tangent one) have bounced back to me.
Can you drop me a line, please? Thanks.
Just sent you off an email. Drop me another comment here if your reply bounces. Thanks!
Hey, I thought you might find this interesting: “How much does a SF/Fantasy author make?”
He did a survey on genre advances, and had 74 authors respond
Thanks! I saw on Tobias’ blog when he was sending out calls for authors to fill out his survey. Very interesting. And makes me very inclined to seek out an agent!