sara1221 swung by yesterday to crash for the night as she scouts new apartment locales in the area. Had a lovely time gabbing with her. We meant to watch The Brothers Grimm, but we all got to talking so much that it never came about.

Writing Stuff
Spent a ridiculously large chunk of time trying to map out the Taira family tree from Heian Era Japan. And I only wanted the first few generations even. I did eventually manage to untangle it and extract what I needed, and in the process I learned a lot of Heian culture, socioeconomics, and geopolitics, which yay, I’m glad to know, but I also feel like I’ve way over-researched what I’m expecting to be a 3-4K story.
My brain is full.
Over-researching is part of the fun 🙂
I wrote a Chinese fairytale of 6k about a month ago. It was preceded by one intense week of research on the habits of cranes, the type of marshes and boats found in China, the type of clothes people wore back then and how they made them. And about 1/50th of it actually made it into the story.
I did figure out later I could have been more efficient. But then again I wouldn’t have learnt so much on the secret lives of cranes 😀
I often get sidetracked when I research, sucked in by all the fascinating data bits. I learned early on to only do ad hoc research when I write, otherwise I get so bogged down, going off on tangents and becoming obsessed by side interests, that I never get to writing the story. But on an up note, whenever I get stumped on what to write next, I just open my research folder and can usually find something that strikes my muse.
Mum, I get sidetracked all the time. All those fascinating things, much more interesting than my crummy little story…
I keep a notebook full of the odd things I found out while researching. When I don’t have any ideas left, I open it, and combine two ideas at random. There’s usually a period of scrabbling to get a coherent plot together, but I’m getting used to it 🙂
We were supposed to watch it too but when I put it on the sound was playing backwards. I know Gilliam is a little off-the-wall but that is just too much!
Has been sorted now though and am looking forward to watching it!
Backwards?? Maybe your copy was possessed?
No doubt! 😉
Maybe there’ll be more than one story since you are over-flowing with factoids? “Kaboom,” Eugie cries as she explodes, research spewing everywhere.
‘“Kaboom,” Eugie cries as she explodes, research spewing everywhere.‘
Ow! That sounds painful! You’re just getting me back for that TNT prod from and me, aren’t you? She started it!
As an aside, ’cause this comment made me chuckle, as your comments often do. Y’know, you write funny really well. I’ve noted it before with your articles for the Daily Dragon, and it’s been bandied about before most notably with the recent camel flash, but I think you ought to write more humor. You’ve got a real flare for it, and humor is both really hard to write and in perpetual demand.
I’m just saying . . .
But that humor muse is the shyest of all! I promise to keep trying to court her. Thanks for the nice words.