Thursday Yuck

Instead of writing, I’ve been spending my free time fiddling with my website and converting my bibliography to CSS tab navigation pages. It was getting too big to put on a single page (yay!), so I initially broke it down into fiction and non-fiction pages, but I wasn’t happy with that either. CSS to the rescue. My first effort, while looking lovely using IE, crashed and burned on Safari and Firefox browsers. My second effort appears to be working in Firefox now, but dude_the, my Safari browser tester, is offline until the weekend. Fooie.

If anyone out there is using a non-IE/Mozilla browser–Safari, Opera, Netscape, etc.–I’d greatly appreciate it if you could surf over to my Bibliography page and let me know if the tabs are showing up properly!

I think Hobkin is feeling the season and it’s making him restless. These last two nights he’s been very active, making it hard for me to sleep. He starts fussing about his midnight snack at 10, hopping up and down beside me to snuggle for a minute, and just as I’ve fallen into a light doze, hopping down to check to see if the food fairy had arrived yet (and thereby waking me). In the morning he wakes up at 5ish wanting his breakfast, a good two hours before his usual breakfast time (and a good hour+ before my alarm goes off), and pesters me to feed him.

My sleep has not been so good.

Writing Stuff:

I ended up with something like thirty-eight critiques from Critters. And the rewrite is done and it’s out. Bon voyage little story! But I’m so behind in writing my thank you notes. Something to do this weekend, I guess.

Heard back from Nathan. He’s cool with my suggestion of printing “Inspirations End” and “Still My Beating Heart” as a double feature chapbook. Both stories are in the 5K range, and I thought packaging these two together would be nifty, both being vampire stories–especially since “Inspirations End” is a reprint. Nathan suggested he print it flipbook style with the second book printed upside-down in the second half. That would be super spiffy ’cause it would mean I’d get two “front” covers with the resultant artwork. Except the stories aren’t the same length. And since the chapbooks are staple-bound, I’m uncertain how it would turn out with the stories not breaking exactly in the middle.

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12 Responses to Thursday Yuck

  1. coronalrain says:

    i just checked it out with safari and didn’t run into any problems. i see tabs and can go clicky clicky ok;>

  2. Looks cool to me–I’m running Opera 7.5something.

  3. dionycheaus says:

    chapbook idea: is there any way to get some extra material to fill up the intervening pages in the middle? Maybe flush all the bio info to one side or, ask someone to do some artwork or something?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Yeah, that’s what Nathan suggested–pushing my author’s bio and the Scrybe Press ads to the end of the shorter story to pad out extra pages until the middle. So it looks like that’ll be a go!

  4. pagmatic says:

    it works great in Mozilla

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sleep and other thingies

    The lightbulb is a mixed blessing for a good night’s rest.

    RE: chapbook.
    That’ll be interesting.

    • Anonymous says:

      Re: Sleep and other thingies

      It’s me, by the way. Thanks for the comment on my blog about sleep. Ugh.


      • Eugie Foster says:

        Re: Sleep and other thingies

        Heh. I sorta figured it was you. Hey, have you ever thought of getting an LJ? It’s free and it would be a heckuva lot easier reading your blog if it were part of the LJ community! Gosh, I sound like a LiveJournal pimp, don’t I?

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