- RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT! The Book of Apex: Volume 4 of Apex Magazine http://t.co/pcsqb1ee9c via @apexbookcompany 13:19:56, 2013-11-10
- [Blog] Post Chemo Session 1 http://t.co/5mFIt4n8ac 12:51:19, 2013-11-10
- A Huge thank you to everyone who supported my fundraiser and thanks especially to Cassy Gordon for setting it up. 12:40:59, 2013-11-10
- Have spiked a fever of 102. On-call doctor said try bringing it down w/Tylenol; otherwise, we get to go to the ER tonight #CopingWithCancer 20:58:42, 2013-11-07
- Just finished my five-course chemo cocktail. Going home soon. Remain very impressed by Emory facilities and personnel. #CopingWithCancer 17:17:16, 2013-11-07
- Hi-ho, hi-ho; a chemotherapying I go… #CopingWithCancer 10:02:46, 2013-11-07
- Have just ordered a fleece cap with bunny ears from Etsy to help stay warm and comfy in style after chemo hair loss. #CopingWithCancer 18:00:45, 2013-11-06
- [Blog] All My E-book Collections Now Available in Print http://t.co/yLeZXEOUah 17:34:11, 2013-11-06
- Discovered just now: tumor has grown to trigger gag/cough reflex in back of throat Chemo beginning tomorrow, none too soon #CopingWithCancer 13:33:43, 2013-11-06
- [Blog] Chemo Begins on Thursday http://t.co/pObQjhoIpu 16:40:28, 2013-11-05
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