Feeling a bit overwhelmed, but this made me grin. If you need some validation or a pick-me-up, stick in your name and clickie. And don’t forget to turn up your speakers!

Writing Stuff
Too. Many. Hamsters.
New Words:
– 150 on the rewrite of “Beauty’s Folly,” several editing passes for continuity, clarity, and cleanliness, and I lobbed it back to the IGMS editor for perusal. Nail biting to commenceth.
– 100 in and 100 (different ones) out on the rewrite for lynnejamneck‘s Supernatural Sleuths anthology. Think I’m close to wrap-up on this one. Editing passes up next.
– 300 on “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast.” I feel better about this being a novelette after getting the solidly-tentative rewrite request/probably-want-it from IGMS. “Beauty’s Folly” clocked in at over 10K, and this one’s probably not going to top 9K. Probably.
8,335 / 9,000
(92.6%) |
– 126-day YFoP from RoF with a personal scribble from Shawna at the bottom. Good writing, but no.
– 9-day personal “liked it but . . . ” from Trabuco Road with invite to send more.
– 1-day whiplash-inducing “not what we’re looking for” from Spacesuits and Sixguns with invite to keep trying.
– Note from jasonbsizemore that the two Best of Apex 2005 chapbooks are being combined into a gorgeous, perfect bound edition. If you haven’t picked up the chapbooks, here’s your chance to get all eight stories for only $7.95:

“Accountant: Life on the Streets” by Bryn Sparks
“Crucifixation” by Lavie Tidhar
“Erasure” by Jennifer Pelland
“Trees of Bone” by Daliso Chaponda
“Big Sister/Little Sister” by Jennifer Pelland
“Layers” by Mike Simon
“An Odd Day in I-Forgot” by Athea Workman
“Oranges, Lemons, and Thou Beside Me” by Eugie Foster
– Contrib. copies of Best New Fantasy. Keep an eye out for these beauties at your local Barnes & Nobles. Makes a great gift!

“My Father’s Mask” by Joe Hill
“Pip and the Fairies” by Theodora Goss
“The Language of Moths” by Christopher Barzak
“At the End of the Hall” by Nick Mamatas
“Heads Down, Thumbs Up” by Gavin Grant
“Monster” by Kelly Link
“The Dybbuk in Love” by Sonya Taaffe
“Gulls” by Tim Pratt
“Summer Ice” by Holly Phillips
“The Maiden Tree” by Catherynne M. Valente
“The Farmer’s Cat” by Jeff VanderMeer
“A Little Madness Goes a Long Way” by M. Rickert
“Proboscis” by Laird Barron
“Dancing in the Light of Giants” by Jay Lake
“Eating Hearts” by Yoon Ha Lee
“Returning My Sister’s Face” by Eugie Foster
Nice going!
Yay us!
I am mighty, too! *g*
Yay for mighty us!
Hee hee…now I’m mighty too! Thanks for the link. I’m embarassed to admit that it actually made me feel encouraged. Clearly I need more positive reinforcement in my life!
Hee! It gave me a boost too. A bit of cheering and applause is good for the soul.
That was the most rockin link I’ve seen in a long time…I made/sent one to everyone I love 😀
Hurray! Everyone needs more unqualified praise and accolades in their life, I sez.
Ok, feel free to call me a fanboy, but I think it’s just so damn cool to see stuff you’ve talked about on here showing up in print 😀
*adds books to list of titles to get*
Fanboy! Fanboy!
Seriously, I’m totally there with you on the “so damn cool” front. No matter how many sales I make or how many stories of mine see print, I still get a charge out of it.
Eugie!! It’s good to see you on LiveJournal again! :hugs: And I’m glad to hear you’ve been working on some fiction.
*hugs* Thanks, sweetie. I’m delighted to be back on the fiction train, too, even if my muse is a fickle, flibbertigibbet trollop.