Vet visit, weekend fun

Took Hobkin to the vet for his shots. He growled at everyone (except me, whom he clung to with every fuzzy fiber of his being), and huffed whenever anyone touched him. Poor little guy really doesn’t like vet visits. Fortunately, Debbie, Hobkin’s godmother, was there to assist (she works at our vet’s). He likes her and will tolerate great indignities if she’s holding him.

He’s lost a little weight–hurray! But the vet said he could stand to loose more–boo! But aside from that, he got a clean bill of health. Hurray!

Going to head over to dire_epiphany and astralfire‘s place to hang after lunch. Good company and relaxed atmosphere sounds like heaven.

Writing Stuff:

Received the contract from Leading Edge and learned that “Of Two Minds in Lanais” is slated for issue #48, October 2004. That’s the very next one. Yay!

Also swung by the library and picked up some cannon cyberpunk books to read. Going to Netflix some of the few cannon cyberpunk movies I haven’t seen yet. Had an interesting experience at the library. Their online system said they had a book I wanted–an anthology–but when we went to the stacks, we couldn’t find it. Engaged a helpful librarian in the hunt, with limited success. She wondered, since it was a collection of short stories, if it had been filed in the 800s in non-fiction (non-fiction??), since apparently that’s where short stories go. But then Matthew had the epiphany to look in the wrong place for it. And yup, there it was, filed not under editor, but under title. Yikes. If Matthew hadn’t been the clever thing he is, that book would have been lost in the stacks forever.

Voracious reading to commence.

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8 Responses to Vet visit, weekend fun

  1. kittymel says:

    looks like today is going much better!!! Way to go on being published!

  2. Anonymous says:


    RE: contracts.
    Congrats for you. Bet your salivating how to spend the money 😉

    RE: library.
    Used to work in a couple. Not surprised: it’s the human factor. 🙂


    • Eugie Foster says:

      Re: Commentary

      Bet your salivating how to spend the money 😉

      That’s funny. Truly.

      Used to work in a couple. Not surprised: it’s the human factor.

      Me too, on the used to work in a couple, and the not all that surprised with the human error. When I worked in the U of Illinois law library, we had it really drilled into us that if we mis-shelved anything, the odds were it would be lost forever. So I always did my very best to make sure everything went back to it’s proper place.

  3. kafkonia says:

    In my experience, anthologies are always filed under titles at the library.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Really?? I’ve worked in two libraries and grew up in several (my mother was a librarian, and I spent several summers holed up in the local public library), and they’ve always been filed under the editor’s name in my experience. Weird.

  4. dionycheaus says:

    congrats indeed on sale! I signed up to IROSF, can’t wait to read your article! I’ve actually been interested in cyberpunk for awhile–is the article going to include a bibliography? ‘Cause I know I would be verry interested….

    give hobkin my sympathies for the vet visit; stumpy is having antibiotic shots every other day for post-surgeryness and she is not thrilled about it.

    Oddly enough, the if-misfiled-it-won’t-be-found-ever-again? that happens in video stores, too…we seem to have misplaced all our copies of Bourne Identity…which is annoying, as people keep wanting to get it with #2 coming out.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I signed up to IROSF, can’t wait to read your article!

      Eep! I haven’t finished writing it, much less had it accepted yet! But thank you .

      is the article going to include a bibliography?

      Oh, most definitely! Getting that compiled is looking to be almost more work than writing the article itself.

      Poor Stumpy! Much huggins and sympathy for the both of you.

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