Sale! By God! A Sale!
Got an email this morning from The Leading Edge. They liked the rewrite! They’re buying “Second Daughter”!
Go me!!
Now I get to experience even greater mailbox anxiety as I trot out every day, awaiting the contract. But it’s a happy sort of anxiety, chok-full of anticipatory goodness.
Interesting thing, though. I just checked my logs. My sale to Cicada last year was also in June. One week from today to the day. Huh.
Many, many congratulations.
I sense a pattern. Well done!
Re: Excellent!
Thanks! Here’s to hoping that patternness ensues.
Definitely GO YOU!
*does a happy dance in your honor*
Thanks! *happy dancing*
Yay for you! You’ll have to let us know where/when we can buy a copy.
Wild puppy dogs couldn’t keep me from spamming everyone with the news when it comes out :)!
Many congrats! 🙂