Best Horror of the Year: Volume 2 Honorable Mentions

ellen-datlow has posted her honorable mention picks for Best Horror of the Year: Volume 2, and she gave nods to both “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast” and “Within Your Soul I Sightless See.”


I find it interesting that “Sinner” has been described or categorized as both fantasy and horror as well as science fiction. Personally, I consider it to be science fiction, although it’s not like I take issue with it being classified as science-fantasy or horror SF. I’ve never been one to play the “what genre is it?” game or its first-cousin, the “that’s not such-and-such genre!” blood sport.

Genre labels are wibbly. That’s my line, and I’m sticking to it.

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7 Responses to Best Horror of the Year: Volume 2 Honorable Mentions

  1. yukinooruoni says:

    “Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast” reminded me of Neil Gaiman. He seems to do much fantasy. Perhaps that is where the association was made?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Hey, I’ll take “reminds me of Neil Gaiman” any day! BTW, I know I owe you an email about Daily Dragon website stuff. Am way buried under a pile of tardy to-do items with the legislature dragging session out this late. Sorrysorry.

  2. j_cheney says:


    (I had something on there last year that I wouldn’t have considered horror…but one never knows)

  3. jongibbs says:

    Congratulations 🙂

  4. yolen says:

    Very very cool!

  5. jmward14 says:

    Whee! Congratulations! That’s fabulous, regardless of the genre.

  6. I’d call it SF, too, but who the hell cares? Congrats!

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