Received the third DVD of the Wonderfalls set from Netflix, mixed up a couple Tom Collinses, popped some corn, and watched the last five episodes yesterday. Being flayed with butter knives is too good for the Fox execs. Wah! But I’m glad the writers had time to wrap up the season on a good ending note. Still, it sucks that there’s all this crap on TV and they cancel shows like Wonderfalls. Ptoo.
Got tipsy on gin, which is pretty decent therapy too, although not one I plan to engage in on a regular basis–for obvious reasons.
Writing Stuff
101-day SALE to Cricket! They bought my short story “The Raven’s Brocade,” my tenth sale to the Cricket Magazine Group. I needed a sale, and once again, these fine folks deliver. I love my Cricket editor! She also wants me to write an author’s note to accompany the story. The author’s note alone will probably pay more than some whole stories I’ve written. Yay!
Congrats on the ‘Cricket’ sale, Eugie!!!
~Maggie 😀
Thanks, Maggie!
Excellent news! Cricket is popular among the readers at my little school.
Congrats on the Cricket sale! Great news!
Thank you!
congratulations, baby!
you’re definitely on a roll 😉
Thanks, Cherie! Now if only a publisher will pick up my book . . .
i’m not too worried about you — someone’ll nab it soon.
From you fingers to God’s (or whomever’s in charge of such things) ear!
p.s. — i was right about the agent, right?
No arguments from me!
Congratulations on the Cricket sale! One of these days, I’ll figure out what sort of long-term research I want to do on the rewritten folk narratives in Cricket magazine, and then you will be on my list of Cool Authors to interview. 😀
Thanks! Hey, anytime, anyplace you wanna pick my Cricket-related brains, you know I’m there!
Congrats on the sale! Your hard work is paying off.
Congratz on the sale. I’ll pick up a copy as soon as it comes out. 🙂
Thank you! I wish they’d hurry up and publish the other stories of mine they’ve got on inventory. I love Cricket, but I don’t love their incredibly long lead times. Sigh.
Awesome, about the sale!! That’s wonderful news. I’m happy for you.
I’ve noticed that most television studios/stations have a horrid tendency to cancel the shows I like most. This is frustrating, nearly infuriating. This is also why I tend to avoid television.
Thank you! And yeah, television hasn’t had good track record with keeping on air decent programming. But hey, at least Buffy got a decent run. . .
Every time you make a new sale I find myself in awe on how quickly you’re bursting onto the scene. A lot of new writers will make a pro sale here and a pro sale there, but it usually takes them years until they’re making them consistently.
I have a feeling that one day a few years from now I’ll be able to say “Eugie Foster used to be on my friends list and she even commented in my journal a few times,” to someone and they’ll actually know who I’m talking about.
Aw pshaw. And I have been working on it for years, y’know.
101-day SALE to Cricket!
And yeah, I know what you mean. There’s so much unwatchable garbage on TV, and they cancel Wonderfalls and Firefly. Sigh. (But at least Lost is doing well.)