Taxes and Polish SALE!

We put the finishing touches on our taxes yesterday. The only thing left are the envelopes and stamps. Whew. And we’re getting a refund. Not as big as refunds in past years, but still, a helluva lot better than having to pay.

To celebrate, we mixed up some more gin drinks–Matthew thinks they’re closer to being gin & tonics than Tom Collinses. They’re a jigger of gin, a jigger of lime, a sprinkle of sweetener, tonic water to taste, and lotso ice. Whatever. Yum. Anyway, we put on Interview with a Vampire, popped some corn, and I got nicely toasted.

Writing Stuff

12-day SALE to Nowa Fantastyka! I sold a Polish reprint of “All in My Mind”! The editor also said that he really liked my work and asked me to send him several of my stories. If he likes them, he’s going to bundle a contract for multiple works. Another sale to a venue that publishes in a language I can’t read. Woohoo!

Finished up the “author’s notes” that my Cricket editor requested. It’s going out in the mail today.

Also assembled a care package for jackzodiac for his Make a Wish Foundation Charity Auction at Mobicon (it’s going out in today’s mail too, Davey!).

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19 Responses to Taxes and Polish SALE!

  1. jackzodiac says:

    thank eugie I will let you know when it arrives and Wayne over at Mobi Con also says thank you alot…


  2. rigel_kent says:

    Gin and tonics…. *WITH ICE*??!!

    Ok…but you’ll make Jesus cry….

    Congrats of the Polish sale – na zdrowie!

  3. lilithraevyn says:

    Wow! That is fantastic!!

    I liked the ‘refreshed’ mood kitty. *laughs*

  4. stephsw says:


    Thanks for reminding me, I have to file for an extension, because my hub’s boss is slack.

  5. nmsunbear says:

    Wow. That’s totally cool. Greek AND Polish…. We all wonder what’s next!

  6. gardenwaltz says:

    huzzah! how did you submit the Polish sale? Did you get it translated first or just send it off in English?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Submitted it in English. They handle the translations. I wouldn’t know where to start trying to get something translated beyond Babel Fish, and I wouldn’t trust any of my stories to that word soup!

  7. Sounds like a good weekend indeed! Congrats on the Nowa Fantastyka sale!

    ~Maggie 🙂

  8. dean13 says:

    Greek and Polish! You are an international author, twice over. Excellent! άριστος! Doskonaly!

  9. We need to do our taxes too!

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