Got my SFWA 2003-2004 Dues Renewal in the mail today. The form has in big all caps at the bottom of the page (past all the remit $50, blah blah blah stuff) “TURN THIS PAGE OVER – MORE ON THE BACK.” I obediently turned the page over . . . and the back was blank.
Hmm. Am I missing some important information or is this some strange writerly joke?
Sounds like an oopsie to me. either that or they figure it’s a write-your-own-renewal-form since you are a writer 🙂
Or it could be some cunning psychological study, see how many writers they can make insane . . .
I thought that was a prerequisite anyway?
On the back of mine was a note about what to do if you can’t pay right now, and a place where you could donate to the Emergency Medical Fund.
So nothing dire. Whew. Thanks for the info. I’ll just grin at the irony while I fill out my check . . .