Shiny Entertainment, Dragon*Con staff meeting, Rheumatologist Appt.

Trying to keep myself busy so that I don’t focus on my mood–currently free-floating glumness which I’m positive is totally chemical in nature. So:

Books read: Slant by Greg Bear, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

Reading: Slippage by Harlan Ellison

Movies seen in the theater: Charlie’s Angels 2: Full Throttle, The Pirates of the Caribbean, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Movies seen at home: The Man Who Would be King, Key Largo.

And to get my mind off not producing any new word count, I’ve spent the last couple days updating our various websites in my free time: Musta-lay-day Grove, our homepage, and my writing page (again). I think I’ve re-set all the references to now, and for laughs and giggles, I played a bit with the scroll bar appearances and how the links looked. But what the hell is Bravenet doing? They’ve totally re-vamped their counter structure and I hate it. I’m giving them a couple days to see how it ends up being, then I think I might have to go looking for a new counter provider. Damnit. Oh well, only so much I can fume about a free service.

There’s a Dragon*Con staff meeting this afternoon. The last one before the convention. I think we’re still down a staff member, number-wise. Hope we can recruit one then.

Saw my rheumatologist for a follow-up yesterday. He’s pleased with how I’m tolerating the Methotrexate and wants to start weaning me off the Prednisone. The man takes “weaning” very seriously. I’m currently on 10mg/day and he wants me to drop 1mg every four weeks. At that rate, it will be ten months until I’m off the damn stuff. But at least it’s a start.

He also thinks I should see my GP about the mood issues I’m having. Since I tolerate meds so very poorly, he’s loathe to prescribe something to counter the side-effects of what I’m on without me consulting with another doctor. Sigh. I can’t keep the names of all my doctor’s straight anymore!

I’m terribly behind in writing “thank you” notes to all the (30+) critiquers that I got for my last offering on Critters. Hmm. When is too late to send a belated “thank you note”?

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12 Responses to Shiny Entertainment, Dragon*Con staff meeting, Rheumatologist Appt.

  1. mery_bast says:

    I don’t think it’s ever really too late to send a thank you note…

  2. britzkrieg says:

    Trying to keep myself busy so that I don’t focus on my mood–currently free-floating glumness which I’m positive is totally chemical in nature.

    I know exactly what you mean. That was the state I was in a week or so ago. With me, I think work stress, body stress, and all that torrential rain factored in somehow, just below the surface of recognition. Maybe it’s something in the pollen ’round here.

    Movies seen at home: The Man Who Would be King.

    What an excellent film!

    I’m terribly behind in writing “thank you” notes to all the (30+) critiquers that I got for my last offering on Critters. Hmm. When is too late to send a belated “thank you note”?

    Never, IMHO. But as far as this latest piece goes, you’ve already thanked me.

    • Eugie Foster says:

      I think there’s definitely something in the air. But I discovered something even better than caffeine to perk me up. Joe, the director of the Con Suite at Dragon*Con was handing out those jumbo tubes of pixie stix powder at the staff meeting yesterday. Wheee! I was sugar buzzing all yesterday afternoon!

  3. soyfaerie says:

    Why on earth do they have you on Methotrexate?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      It’s to stabilize my Lupus/MCTD (Mixed Connective Tissue Disease) both of which are considered rheumatic diseases. My rheumatologist had me on Plaquenil but I turned out allergic to that. He’s trying to find something to put me on long-term so I can go off the Prednisone which I’ve been on since Dec/Jan.

      • soyfaerie says:

        OMGOSH that’s what my Rheumatologist has me on is that Plaquenil and everytime I take it I start shaking uncontrollably and it triggers a really bad FMF attack, so I called him and I’ve got an appointment next week. I’m not taking it anymore, that stuff is NASTY!

        • Eugie Foster says:

          It’s supposedly well tolerated by a lot of people (obviously not you or I), but it really didn’t agree with me. And it takes so long to build up to effective levels in one’s system that it took a week or so even after I stopped taking it for all the allergic symptoms to recede. Blah.

          Another med to add to the ever-growing list of drugs I’m allergic to. Fagh.

  4. theroach says:

    When is too late to send a belated “thank you note”?

    I hope not yet, as I started today to send them — waiting for the last one to conceivably trickle in. I already wrote 2/3rds of the notes, in chronological order, starting from the old…

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