Writing writing writing

Writing Stuff:

Word count: 500 on the SF WIP. Completed the climax and denouement, now in the final closing scene. MS Word’s count claims over 8.6K words, which manuscript count would thereby put at over 10K. Ouch. I suspect there will need to be much cutting.

Club 100 for Writers


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4 Responses to Writing writing writing

  1. terracinque says:

    MS Word undercounts?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      No, but it gives an exact word count, as in it counts everything with a space before and after it as a word. Standard manuscript format maintains that a word is six characters (using Courier 12 pt), approximately 250 words per properly formatted page. Here’s an article from from the SFWA website that goes into more detail.

  2. Eugie–off topic question:

    You don’t happen to know the status of the Blasphemy antho, do you?

    • Eugie Foster says:

      Last I heard, it was still a go and on the verge of being sent to the printers. But the publishers/editors had a major computer problem which has derailled it a bit. I keep hearing them say “soon.” It’s been a long, slow road.

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